Drosanthemum speciosum in a different guise

In my first post on this species, I referred to the fact that the flowers not only came in red, but also in orange.  As I had never seen these in the wild, I could not show you a picture. In my former garden I even had a plant with yellow flowers, but as it originated from a nursery I could not be sure it was not a cultivar. So it would not be fair to show you a picture pretending it was of a wild plant.
I also mentioned that the plants are often seen along roads, but again I had no picture to substantiate this.
As it happens, I was on an outing yesterday that took me to the Ouberg pass, northeast of Montagu. Lots of flowering D. speciosum there, but non of them in red or scarlet as usual.

drosspec 8794
They were all orange,

drosspec 8798
apart from a few almost pure yellow ones.

drosspec 8792
As a bonus, there was also a specimen growing almost in the road.

After three consecutive posts on one species, I will not mention it for a while now. Promise.

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